Maui Fire Relief Wishlist

Click Here for the Amazon Fire Relief Wishlist

Aloha to my Saint Barbara Family, 

As you may have heard, my island (Maui) faced a massive fire and wiped out the town of Lahaina, and burned two other towns. This is one of the biggest fires recorded in history. It is a huge and devastating loss especially to the locals history, homes, businesses, way of life, and identity. Many have lost their lives and still counting, have been separated, some are stuck on the Westside, many forced to live outdoors with their homes gone, etc. and others are sharing homes to other families kind of enough to let them stay but still need their own items to survive. We are also very low on resources as we try to get these victims the help they need and in away depleting our resources at a rapid rate, that even those unaffected by the fire are having a hard time finding the essentials. But right now my focus is on the victims only. 

I made an Amazon wishlist, called the Maui Fire Relief Wishlist which has a list of items that many organizations and displaced families are asking for. 

I would greatly appreciate if our church members can help Maui recover and rebuild by purchasing an item of two from this list. 

These items will come to my house, which I will then drive to directly to organizations AND directly to affected families. 

Thank you,

Sophia Chrysanthou

Click Here for the Amazon Fire Relief Wishlist