Support the Saint Barbara Annual Greek Festival - September 27, 28,29!

Dear Parishioner,

I hope this letter finds you well. For the past several years, it has become increasingly more difficult to receive donations to offset the costs of operations. We are looking to you, our committed parishioners, to please step in and help us with the rising costs, by donating towards items needed. As you can see there is a great need for many things to make our Festival a success. We are counting on your help! Not only by donation, but also coming and volunteering your time in all departments, on September 27th to September 29th. You may contact the Church Office for assistance 732-255-5525.

We thank all of you for your continued support and we look forward to another successful Festival!!!! OPA!!!


Father Paul Pappas, Priest & Mr. Sotiri Sergiou, Festival Chair